The East Feliciana Drug Council was started in December 2010.
Drug Council Members consist of individuals representing 12 sectors related to the Drug Free Communities Coalitions of America. These sectors are: Youth, Parent, Religious Serving Organization, Civic Organization, School, Business, Youth Serving Organization, Law Enforcement, Media, Healthcare, State, Local or Tribal Agency, and other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse.
Participation in community activities include organization of Town Hall Meetings, implementing prescription drug take back events, implementation of youth empowerment and mentoring groups, education of social and emotional learning skills and substance abuse prevention education which will lead to attainment of certification or licensure in the field of prevention.
Our Prescription Drop Boxes are strategically placed in Clinton, Jackson, Norwood, Slaughter, and Wilson.
Areas of focus will include continued educational opportunities for residents within the parish, education on prescription drug misuse and abuse, decreasing alcohol usage and marijuana usage among the youth and educating alcohol outlet vendors on proper ID checks for under age individuals trying to purchase alcohol, and responsible vendor certification.
There will also be sobriety check points set-up throughout the parish.
Members of the East Feliciana Drug & Alcohol Awareness Council
Office Staff
Darriell Hinton
Program Director
Lions Quest Facilitator
OMG Implementer
Rhonda Torrence
Program Coordinator
Lions Quest Moderator
OMG Implementer
Maurene Selders
Community Liaison:
Lions Quest Implementer
OMG Implementer
A'Neddra Quave
Community Liaison:
Lions Quest Implementer
OMG Implementer
Board Members
Sondra Silas-Hayes
Ashley Ferguson
Co - Chairperson
SADD Coordinator EFHS
Katherine Scales
Finance Committee Chairman
Latoya Selders Veal
Mable Jarrell
Council Members
Sabrina Jones
SADD Coordinator - EFMS
Jeff Travis
Melinda Ganes
Grace Guy
Stacey McIntyre
SADD Coordinator
Slaughter Elementary
Rickie Collins
BMT Implementer
Bullying Facilitator
Tiffany Taylor
Roosevelt Wilkerson
EFDAAC Lions Quest Implementers
DCI Community Partner & EFDAAC Members

EFDAAC Membership
From Left to Right (Bottom Row): Darriell Hinton, Katherine Scales,
Julee Blanchard, Ginger Wilkins
From Left to Right (Top Row): Rickie Collins, Levain Woodridge,
Ashley Ferguson, Susan Smith, Melissa Miller, Rhonda Torrence

EFDAAC Board Members
Susan Smith. Katherine Scales, Latoya Veal
Not Pictured:
Ashley Ferguson, Mable Jarrell and Sondra Hayes